I knew I would like Berlin. I have met some super cool people from Germany while traveling, and I have especially enjoyed the folks I have met from Berlin. I fully expected to like it here.. and I already do.
Germans have traveling in their blood. It is a part of their culture. I think it may be for this reason that I have found them to be quite hospitable to people like me traveling to their country. Upon arrival I had already been offered three different apartments to stay in, a bike to ride around town, and a cell phone to use.
Everyone here is especially impressed by my choice of season to visit. It is quite warm and sunny here now.. a departure apparently from the past several months. It was not rocket science though. As I recall, I just looked on lonelyplanet.com to see "when to go", and then fine tuned that with some friends' suggestions.
After two days here, I have been invited to a party on a rooftop of an abandoned war torn building, headed out for a day at a nearby lake, attended a lively beer garden to watch the German national football team play (and win) a playoff match against Poland, and practiced my poi spinning at a beautiful river side park. The busy, fun lifestyle here seems to rival that of my dear home. The folks in this neighborhood seem young, bright, creative, and laid back.
Like I said, I knew I would like it here.
Dude... rare occurrence, I'm reading and posting a comment on a blog... it's all your fault! 'twas great to see you in SF. If the airfare goddess decides to look favorably upon me, I may meet you in Germany in August.
Hi Miles, it's your mom's friend, Nancy Hawks in Santa Barbara. I am so enjoying your blog. We loved Barcelona when we were there 3 years ago. Daughter Dana just got back, they also went to Ibiza for a few days.
Did you enjoy the Gaudi architecture? How could you not?
Continued enjoyment, what wonderful adventure memories you'll have forever.
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